29 June 2008

Still 1 cm...

Saw the doc on Friday and I am still dilated 1 cm and 70% effaced. But, anything can happen at any time! The doc felt the baby and thought he seemed "very long and narrow". So, duh, he is tall and skinny like his daddy!. But, he guessed that he was around 8 pounds, which isn't too bad. This is just a guesstimate, it wasn't a very scientific measurement of the baby. I just hope I have him in the next week so he doesn't end up being 9 pounds +!

The Braxton Hicks are happening every once in a while. I've had maybe 8 or so today, but I've been pretty active cleaning the house and doing laundry, some days I don't have any. My mama is coming tomorrow, so had to get the house all clean and get a little more organized. I have been waiting until my mom got here, then I can have the baby anytime after that! I'd say we are very ready to go to the hospital at any time! Well, I do need to finish packing my suitcase, I've got a few things in there, but it's not complete. I need to get some snacks for Rudy and myself and throw my toiletries, robe, slippers and the breastfeeding pillow in there. I really hope I am at home when the time comes, because then I can finish throwing everything in there. I should be, but I am going to try to go to the office on Tuesday. I am trying to work until I go into labor. I am praying that I go into labor in the next week, I really don't want to have to work past this week. The doc said if I don't go into labor on my own, they will probably induce me two weeks from tomorrow. I said TWO WEEKS??? I can't wait another two weeks, I am ready now! Maybe my female doc will say different when I see her this wednesday. I am thinking I will have him within a couple of days either side of my due date. At least I hope that is what happens! Pray for him to come out safely in the next week or so!

26 June 2008

39 weeks...

Helllooooo big mama! I didn't think my belly was that much bigger than it was in the last few weeks, but in the pictures it does look bigger! It is hard to tell when it is your own body. But, I do think I am looking pretty chubby everywhere - especially my face, ugh. Only 1 more week! I was still dilated to 1 cm last Friday at my doc appt, but found out that I am 70% effaced. So, at least there is something going on, maybe tomorrow I will have made more progress. I see the doc tomorrow at 8am, so will post an update after that.

I am to the point where I am pretty uncomfortable and cumbersome. Walking is a chore and it hurts all over. My internal organs feel smashed like pancakes and nothing is working right, but I'll just leave it at that. I am pretty ready to not be pregnant anymore! It does get hard at the end, just like they say. I only have a few more things I need to do before this baby can come out. I am waiting until my mom gets here on Monday, and then I will be really ready. I am feeling pretty excited about meeting this little man - but I bounce from excited to scared to denial and back all the time. I am still working - from home today, tomorrow and Monday. If nothing is happening I may show my face in the office next Tues/Wed. I don't want to be seen as a slacker!

I still have a lot of things to blog about, but haven't gotten around to it. Another blog I read reminded me of all the decisions you have to make while pregnant - and there are a few I haven't shared with you that I keep meaning to. I am referring to breastfeeding, diapers, childcare, my work schedule, etc. I will post about this soon, I am tired now and ready for some zzzzzzzzzz. Good night!

12 June 2008

I am dilated to 1 cm!

Just saw the doc and I have started to dilate - 1 whole cm. Cool! Not that I will be going into labor soon or anything, but it's nice to know I am making some progress! Only 9 more cm to go!

10 June 2008

Nursery update: fabric choice

I know I have been slow in the nursery updates, but it has taken me a lot longer to accomplish some of these projects! I can at least show you the fabrics I chose for the nursery, although, they might seem off the wall without seeing the final projects. I finally finished the quilt this past weekend and it turned out just ok. It was a lot more challenging of a project than I expected, but sewing always seems to turn out that way. I don't have any pics to show you yet of the quilt, but expect to see some soon. I also (almost) finished painting the mural on the wall (thanks Marcy for the good kick start!). I think I want to add a little more to the walls though, so am not revealing that yet. It will probably still be a while before the entire nursery is finished -Rudy is building bookshelves which probably won't be done for another month or so, but I kind of want to wait to reveal the entire nursery until everything is done and in the room. But, I will share little tidbits along the way including the above fabrics!

These fabrics are by Etsuko Furuya from the Echino line. They are from a japanese designer and I fell in love with them when I saw them on reprodepot.com. They are very kooky - from afar, the damask looks very traditional, but up close it is filled with animals, bugs and skulls. Yes, skulls. I am also using the damask in green and purple, as well as a basic black and white polka dot fabric. When you see the quilt you will see all these fabrics come together! I couldn't resist the purple fabric with the birds on it either, so mixed it with the damask - it is working out pretty good. Well, that is all for now! I am off to the doctor now for my 37 week appointment.

06 June 2008

36 week update

I saw the doc today and she did a more "invasive" exam. I am not dilating at all yet, but my cervix does feel soft! She thinks I will be dilated a little by next week, but who knows. I was also put on the monitor for 20 minutes - they call it a "non-stress" test for the baby. They just monitor the baby's heart rate while he is moving to make sure he isn't under any stress. This is a test for old ladies over 35 like myself. Everything is looking good! I am getting a little anxious for this phase of motherhood to be over - it is getting harder and harder to get around and sleep and I am tired! Luckily, my back has felt a little better this week so I am doing pretty good overall. Only 4 more weeks!

05 June 2008

36 weeks belly shot

I don't think I look much bigger than a couple weeks ago.