I know, I haven't made any posts on this blog for a while, I have been so busy this summer with work and babies. And, I have been secretly working on our new blog home! I have decided to move to a new blog platform, wordpress, and have officially launched Verity and Maddox's new blog website:
www.veritymaddox.com !!! Woohoo!! This took me a long time to get going because I had to learn the new platform, design it all myself (cuz I am a nerd), and do it all in very small stolen moments at night, on the train, etc.
So, please come and visit our
new blog home and bookmark, save to favorites, set up a new RSS feed, etc.!!!! I will be leaving this one out here for quite a while, or until I can figure out how to move all these very precious posts to the new platform (if that is even possible). Thanks for visiting!!!!!