11 September 2007

: : : : Project Baby : : : :

Well, we have a tentative IVF schedule. This stuff takes time. I was hoping we would be knee deep in this by now, but we had to play the testing and waiting game. Finally all of our tests are back and we could schedule the consult with the IVF coordinator.

I've decided to call this "project baby" - it helps me to deal with the seriousness of this with some fun. Here's the project plan: (keep in mind this is always plus/minus 2-3 days due to factors outside of our control). In other words, my body is in charge and even I can't control it :)

Mon, 9/17 - Meet with the IVF Coordinator.
Sign consent forms, learn about all the fun injections/drugs.

Fri, 9/21 - Start Lupron injections to suppress ovulation

Sun, 9/23 - Stop taking birth control pills

Sun, 9/30 - Ultrasound, bloodwork. Start stimulation drugs to stimulate lots of eggs/follicles

Wed, 10/10 - Egg retrieval, fertilization, start incubation - grow babies!!!!

Sat, 10/13 or Mon, 10/15 - Embryo Transfer (2-3 embryos)
(3 day transfer on Sat or 5 day transfer on Mon)

Sat, 10/27
or Mon, 10/29 - Beta test (find out if it worked!) A positive test will be the best birthday present ever!!!

Sat, 7/5 - Babies are due!!! (If I am pregnant this cycle and it is twins, they will be due earlier than this actually)

That seems like such a loooooooooooong way away. We are delaying starting this a few days due to Rudy going out of town on Oct 5-9, but it worked out pretty good. Except that I will have to inject myself while he is gone. YIKES! Mommy! Come and visit me that weekend!

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