10 April 2009

Maddox's milestones

Here is a movie of some of the things baby Maddox has learned to do! He can crawl, pull himself up, cruise around the furniture a little, clap and play! He can also wave and say "Da Da" when he feels like it. He can also say "ba ba", but I am sure he doesn't know what any  of this means. He only says "mama" when he is crying and then the m's seem to come out. Soon, he will say Mama I hope! Maddox had his 9 month checkup last week, I will post his stats soon with his 9 month picture that I will hopefully take this weekend! Sorry the movie is so small, I took it with the camera turned on it's side and then had to rotate it back in iMovie, but it then doesn't fill the screen, argh!


George said...

He's a mobile little man! Thanks for sharing the cute video too.

Peter & Mary Berlin said...

I am amazed all the things he did in one short video. He is a little movie star. Even Sabika was calm enough to be in the movie. I love you Maddox. I am counting the days untill I can come and play with you. Love Mamie XXOO