14 May 2007

Another failed cycle

Well my friends, I got a BFN today (Big Fat Negative).
*****Warning: this post may bring you down*****
Didn't work. Nada. No baby. Nothin', zip, zilch, zero, buzzer, please try again. I actually tested yesterday and got the BFN on Mother's day. Let me tell you, Mother's day sucks when you are not a mother. (And you are not with your own mother.) It wasn't a good day for me, but what can you do? Pity party for Katrina. Why isn't it working? There is no way to know. Yep, that's right, the doc has no answers. Now we start the rollercoaster all over again. We will do another IUI now (if my body is ready for it). The doc will change up the meds a little. Now I am just waiting for the next cycle to begin. Sorry, don't have much to say, it is all too depressing... :-(

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